Québec takes good step towards helping people meet basic needs
The link below accesses an article on the CTV Montreal News site that was first reported by Morgan Lowrie in the Canadian Press January 29, 2023. The article speaks to a program launched by the Québec Government that is aimed at 84,000 Quebecers with a “severely limited capacity for employment” by addressing some of the…
Read MoreWar, Money, Media – Democratic Socialists Compare Notes
The following article by Robert Hackett appears in The Tyee, January 3, 2023, and is referenced with permission.
Read MoreRideau Lakes Municipal Candidates Meeting a Success
The following notes were prepared for the Review-Mirro by Citizens Democracy Forum (CDF) member Steve Kirby during the all municipal candidates meeting hosted by CDF at the Elgin Lions Hall, October 5, 2022. The Citizens Democracy Forum held an all-candidates meeting for election to the Township of Rideau Lakes Council on October 24. The meeting…
Read MoreRideau Lakes Municipal Candidates Forum
On Wednesday, October 5, 2022, Citizens Democracy Forum hosted a public meeting for all candidates running for office in the Township of Rideau Lakes. The candidates were provided with two questions in advance to which they provided written answers, and further elaborated during the forum. Click the following link to read the document.
Read MoreThe Convoy and Canada
An opinion piece by John Cartwright, Chairperson, the Council of Canadians. The Council of Canadians brings people together through collective action and grassroots organizing to challenge corporate power and advocate for a society built on democracy, justice and care for each other, the planet and our democracy. John speaks to frustration, validation, the rise of…
Read MoreThe Greenest Dollar Is the One Not Spent
The following article is provided by Mike Nickerson, well known author and educator studying the ways in which societies change, along with the problems that are expanding as we press against our planet’s limits. More of Mike’s work can be found on his web site: Actions come from thoughts and thoughts from feelings. The greenest…
Read MoreAre Electric Cars the Solution?
Or do visions of ‘clean’ robots supplying mobile freedom steer us down the wrong road? Andrew Nikiforuk Tyee contributing editor Andrew Nikiforuk is an award-winning journalist whose books and articles focus on epidemics, the energy industry, nature and more. In this well researched and written article he explores the move to Electric…
Read MoreWhat They New: The U.S. Government & the Climate Crisis
In the January 20th edition of YES Magazine, Larry Parks Daloz reviews James Gustave Speth’s new book, They Knew. …..we have known the dangers for a long time, that we have been fully appraised of what was necessary to avoid those dangers, and that, over and over, our nation’s leadership chose not merely to ignore…
Read More2022’s Imperative: Letting Go of Our Past to Birth Our Future
An opinion piece by David Korten featured in YES Magazine. Our society cannot be considered civilized by any objective standard…..we risk doing such irreversible damage to Earth’s regenerative systems that our species is unlikely to survive. To read the entire article, follow the link below:
Read MoreGround Breaking Progress for Climate and Democracy – Scotland
Scotland is building a democracy fit for the 21st century and a climate action plan to meet the emergency of our time. It’s all thanks to the power of proportional representation and the leadership of the Scottish Citizen’s Assembly. An article by Fair Vote Canada on how proportional representation and a Citizen’s Assembly in Scotland…
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